I am a technologist, strategist and data nerd working as a web developer at a university in New England. I recently received my M.S. in Engineering Management and created this blog to document all that I do that falls out of the scope of my job description. I am approaching 20 years with my employer and I have no intention of leaving anytime soon, but I want to be prepared should I choose to leave or they decide to part ways with me. I have spent way too many years worrying about what would happen if my job ended – like it did for several colleagues whose positions were eliminated. I am finding interesting ways to stay current and be ready should I need to be on the job market.
I am also a strong advocate of work-life balance. That phrase has become so cliche, but I firmly believe we were not put on this planet to be at work all the time. Over the years, I think I have found a good balance. I work hard and I play hard and I rest when I need to. My passions include volunteering both for my women’s club in town and as a docent at a local zoo. Other hobbies include painting, drawing and wildlife photography.
I hope you enjoy my blog and if I do it right, maybe you learn a little something as well. Thank you for stopping by.